7/31/15 - Hatfield, PA

We left New Jersey today and drove back to Pennsylvania.  Following the map and GPS as we neared the city of Trenton we saw signs on the road that a tunnel was ahead.  The map atlas didn’t show a tunnel.  We saw a sign that said “no propane cylinders allowed”.  We had to make a quick exit and try to find another way across the Delaware River.  Of course our GPS kept trying to run us back the same way.  I turned it off and told Jim I could get us there but it would be longer.  While in the center of downtown Trenton we saw a few police officers standing on the sidewalk.  I rolled down the window and one of them walked over to us (we had traffic stopped.)  He told us how to get to the freeway and over the toll bridge. I almost had us there but it was good to have the directions from the office.  We got a site just outside Philadelphia in Hatfield, PA.  After getting set up we went into nearby Lansdale to check out the train station to ride into Philadelphia tomorrow.  We had a beer at Round Guys Brewing and Prism Brewing.  Jim got us hot dogs at Prism for supper.  Across the street from the RV park is an American Legion.  We stopped in there and Jim had a steak salad and a slice of apple pie with ice cream.

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